ICVA 18th General Assembly

18 and 19 May 2021

This event finished on 19 May 2021






English, French, Arabic, Spanish



18th General Assembly

The 18th General Assembly took place 18 and 19 May 2021.

With the ongoing restrictions on travel due to the Coronavirus as well as the need to ensure the health and safety of staff and participants, we hosted our 2021 General Assembly online in a virtual conference.

Every three years we look forward to seeing our members when we come together to discuss and agree on a multi-year strategy for the network, elect its Board and Chair, and review the work of the past three years. Members will also discuss and vote on amendments to the ICVA Statutes, and consider issues and concerns related to humanitarian action worldwide.

Unlike our usual General Assembly which takes place over one day, this virtual meeting will be short and snappy and take place  on the 18 & 19 May 2021 from 13.00-15.30 CEST.

For our first online General Assembly 105 organisations registered and attendance of a minimum of 100 participants at any moment.

The General Assembly adopted the ICVA 2030 Strategy, the Strategic Priorities 2022- 2024 and the Commitment and Motion to Action on the Climate and Environment. Proposed amendments to the ICVA Statutes were approved. Members also reaffirmed principles and standards they adopted individually when joining ICVA and/or reaffirmed individually in 2017. The General Assembly elected a new Board and and Ms Jane Backhurst of Christian Aid  as Chair.

ICVA Board and Chair Elections

The General Assembly elected a new ICVA Board and Chair.

We are pleased to inform you that the following member organisations and their representatives make up the ICVA Board:

  • Africa Humanitarian Action (AHA) – Mr Wossen Taye Tesfaye
  • Amel Association International – Ms Virginie Lefèvre
  • Amity Foundation- Ms Chunxiang Ling
  • Christian Aid – Ms Jane Backhurst- Chair
  • Concern Worldwide – Ms Réiseal Ní Chéilleachair
  • Dignidad y Justicia en el Camino A.C. (FM4 Paso Libre) – Mr Luis Enrique Gonzalez Araiza
  • Islamic Relief Worldwide – Ms Shahin Ashraf
  • Translators without Borders – Ms Aimee Ansari
  • War Child – Dr Unni Krishnan – Vice-Chair

The General Assembly elected Ms Jane Backhurst of Christian Aid as Chair. 

External Source
20 May 2021
ICVA 18th General Assembly 2021- Working Documents
Subject/ ICVA /
ICVA_Poster2019 (1)

The working documents for the ICVA 18th General Assembly are:

  • Provisional Agenda
  • Minutes of 17 General Assembly March 2018
  • ICVA Statutes – Proposed Amendments
  • ICVA 2030 Strategy
  • Strategic Priorities 2022-2024
  • Reaffirmation of  Principles
  • Commitment and Motion to Action on Climate and Environment
ICVA 2030 Strategy

The ICVA 2030 Strategy was adopted by the 18th General Assembly.

This document sets the framework for the direction and focus of ICVA’s work over the next nine years, as we evolve and transform our network. Rooting us more deeply in our vision and mission of principled and effective humanitarian action, this strategy sets out our collective values, our ways of working and our aspirational transformations. We will continue to work on focus areas best serving our members and the sector as a whole. Our added value is rooted in our work explaining & analysing, convening, brokering, influencing & advocating, supporting, and collaborating.

The Strategic Priorities 2022-2024 were adopted by the 18th General Assembly.

These priorities are drawn from the 2030 strategic vision, providing a more specific focus for the period 2022-2024. On the basis of these priorities, the Secretariat will develop a three-year plan 2022-2024 for Board approval in November 2021. The plan will include specific choices on content of ICVAs work, enabling strategies, the resource planning and requirements and a set of performance indicators

ICVA strategy
12 July 2021
ICVA 2030 Strategy
Subject/ ICVA /
ICVA 2030

This document sets the framework for the direction and focus of ICVA’s work from 2022-2030, as we evolve and transform our network. Rooting us more deeply in our mission of principled and effective humanitarian action, this strategy sets our collective values, our ways of working and our aspirational transformations. We will continue to work on focus areas which to best serve our members and the sector as a whole. Our added value is rooted in our work explaining & analysing, convening, brokering, influencing & advocating, supporting and collaborating.

This strategy was adopted by members at the 18th General Assembly in May 2021.

ICVA publication
19 May 2021
Strategic Priorities 2022-2024
Subject/ ICVA /
Strategic priorities 2022-2024

The ICVA 2030 strategic framework will be implemented by a series of three-year and annual plans guided by strategic priorities derived from the overarching vision. The 18th General Assembly in May 2021 approved the Strategic Priorities proposed by the Board. These priorities are drawn from the 2030 strategic vision, providing a more specific focus for the period 2022-2024.

ICVA 2030 Strategy Development Document
10 January 2020
ICVA 2030 Strategy Development Document
Subject/ ICVA /
ICVA 2030 Strategy Development Document

The document is a working reference for the ICVA 2030 strategy concisely documenting the key data informing the strategy.

Three strategic considerations emerging from the external environment and how they relate to principled humanitarian action.

Some thinking around the internal environment of how the ICVA network is comprised, how the members and secretariat will work together and interact with other organisations/platforms.

Commitment, Statutes and Reaffirmation

Members approved  the Commitment and Motion to Action on Climate and Environment.

Addressing the climate and environment crises is a top priority for ICVA as adopted in the ICVA 2030 strategy.  We send a clear signal that humanitarian organisations have a key role to play in addressing the crises.


ICVA Statutes

The ICVA Statutes set out the mandate of ICVA and outlines the official rules and regulations that govern ICVA and the General Assembly.

Members approved  proposed amendments to the Statutes.

Reaffirmation of Principles

Members reaffirmed the principles and standards they adopted individually when joining ICVA and/or reaffirmed individually in 2017.

The principles and standards are related to:

ICVA Governance
26 May 2021
Commitment and Motion to Action on Climate and Environment
Subject/ ICVA / Climate & environment /
ICVA Governance
25 May 2021
Reaffirmation of Principles
Subject/ ICVA /