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Conference, Meeting
10 December, 2024

Regional Humanitarian Partnership Week – Asia Pacific 2024

Subject / Asia region / Localization / Grand Bargain / Humanitarian /
RHPW 2024
The Regional Humanitarian Partnership Week (RHPW) is a collaborative event organized by ICVA, ADRRN, CWSA, and UNOCHA, bringing together hundreds of humanitarian professionals from the Asia-Pacific region to share best practices and foster partnerships. In 2023, over 280 participants from…
ConsultationsPast Event
11 June, 2024

2024 UNHCR Global Consultations with NGOs

Subject / Forced migration / Diversity, Equity & Inclusion / Gender /
Solutions, with a focus on inclusion The 2023 Regional NGO Consultations generated recommendations for UNHCR, governments, NGOs, and the private sector at the local, national, and international level, on how to collaborate to promote inclusion of forcibly displaced and stateless…
Consultations, Hybrid (In person and Online Format)Past Event
29 April, 2024

Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks

Subject / Humanitarian /
Accountability to Affected Population Anticipatory Action Climate Crisis Emergency Response in a Pandemic Inclusion
ConsultationsPast Event
16 April, 2024

2024 UNICEF-NGO Consultations

Subject / Child Rights / Climate & environment / Humanitarian /
In 2020, UNICEF and ICVA co-convened the UNICEF-NGO Partnership in Humanitarian Action Consultations on ‘Working Together to Address Emerging Challenges’. The virtual consultations aimed to take stock of progress made on recommendations from the 2019 UNICEF-NGO Consultations and discuss emerging…
ConferencePast Event
21 March, 2024

ICVA 2024 Annual Conference

Subject / Coordination / Annual Conference /
2024 Final AC Poster
Registration is now closed.  If you are interested in attending the Annual Conference and the CHS global launch, please contact
General MeetingPast Event
20 March, 2024

19th ICVA General Assembly

Subject / Governance /
ICVA General Assembly Banner
The 19th General Assembly took place on 20 March 2024 at the CICG in Geneva. Over 100 people attended the event, with 77 member organisations represented.
Meeting, Virtual eventPast Event
17 January, 2024

ICVA Roundtable on Humanitarian Needs

Subject / Coordination / Humanitarian /
Roundtable (1)
Conference, MeetingPast Event
11 December, 2023

Regional Humanitarian Partnership Week – Asia Pacific 2023

Subject / Asia region / Nexus / humanitarian financing / Climate & environment /
RHPW 2023 Backdrop
The Asia-Pacific region is home to more than half of the world’s population and hosts some of the most complex and protracted humanitarian crises. In the face of growing humanitarian needs and shrinking resources, local actors have demonstrated their resilience,…
Meeting, WorkshopPast Event
14 November, 2023

Strengthened Partnerships for Principled and Effective Humanitarian Action in East and Southern Africa

Subject / Principles of Partnership / Africa region /
Consultations, Hybrid (In person and Online Format)Past Event
11 October, 2023

IOM NGO Consultation – Localization Framework and AAP Framework

Subject / Localization /
WebinarPast Event
26 July, 2023

Safer Programming: What works in Emergencies?

Subject / Safeguarding_PSEA /
Bangla webinar_Safer programming Focusing on emergencies
SymposiumPast Event
25 July, 2023

Strengthening Local Humanitarian Action to Respond to Climate-induced Emergencies

Subject / Climate & environment /
Symposium cover revised name 2444
For more information on the project or the symposium, please contact: 
WebinarPast Event
6 July, 2023

Humanitarian Response and Loss and Damage Finance: Coordinating Action to Meet Rising Needs

Subject / Climate & environment /
MeetingPast Event
29 June, 2023

ICVA Humanitarian Financing working group meeting

Subject / ICVA /
Hybrid (In person and Online Format)Past Event
28 June, 2023

Launch of Pooled Funding at a Crossroads: A Comprehensive Review and Analysis Report

Subject / Country Based Pooled Funds / humanitarian financing /
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