ICVA’s Complaint/Reporting Form

Internal and External Reporting and Communication on alleged Misconduct by ICVA Staff

This reporting form is for internal and external reporting and communication on alleged misconduct by ICVA Secretariat, staff and associates in the delivery of ICVA’s work.

ICVA’s commitments and motion to action adopted by the ICVA General Assembly in March 2018, committed to have systems in place for preventing, detecting, and responding to misconduct. ICVA Secretariat and the ICVA members take action to protect those we work with and ensure justice for survivors of abuse.

The reporting system outlined below forms part of the commitments, to provide clear pathways and parameters for reporting and communicating information related to misconduct appropriately and responsibly.

ICVA Secretariat has a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment. We believe all people have a right to live their lives free from sexual violence. We recognise that there are unequal power dynamics across and within the humanitarian sector and in relation to those we serve, and that we face an inherent risk of some employees, volunteers or consultants exploiting their position of power for personal gain.

ICVA Secretariat and its members will not tolerate its employees, volunteers, consultants, partners or any other representatives associated with the delivery of our work carrying out any form of sexual harassment, sexual abuse or sexual exploitation. Our commitment to reporting, investigating, and preventing misconducts is driven by our values and commitment to root out abuse.

The following internal and external reporting and communication on alleged misconduct is for situations where alleged misconduct is carried out by ICVA Secretariat staff and associates with the delivery of ICVA’s work.

Misconduct is defined as sexual, financial, and/or human resource related:

  • Sexual harassment, abuse, and exploitation: child abuse, vulnerable adult abuse, sexual assault, sexual harassment, sexual exploitation, other (2).
  • Financial: fraud, theft, bribery, nepotism, money laundering, terrorist financing, shoplifting, conflict of interest, counterfeit money, cybercrime, extortion, criminal damage, other.
  • Human Resources: bullying, harassment, discrimination, breach of policy.

ICVA Secretariat staff and associates have signed up to the ICVA organisational safeguarding policies (comprehensive code of conduct on matters relating to sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment – December 2018).

ICVA ensures accessible, safe and responsive mechanisms to receive and record complaints and reports.

complaint/report form is available for reporting and communication on alleged misconduct.

All Complaints and Reports are duly and timely addressed, and safeguards are in place to ensure full respect for the rights of all those involved, especially alleged victims.

Any complaint against ICVA Staff & Associates is addressed in full confidentiality to ICVA Chief Operating Officer, Susan Wilding (susan.wilding@icvanetwork.org). When concerns exist on how the allegations would be managed, the Complaint will be addressed to the ICVA Board HR Focal Point. ICVA contracts an external Trusted Person service to offer listening and support to employees facing interpersonal issues (conflicts, bullying, sexual harassment, discrimination), or any other behaviour with a negative impact on personal wellbeing.  The conversations with the employees remain confidential. The trusted person will not reveal the name of the employees nor the content of the conversations held with the latter to ICVA management nor to a third party, unless previous consent of the employee involved is granted. The trusted person offers punctual assistance and help evaluate the possible solutions. The trusted person may encourage dialogue or orientate the employees to other suitable professional services.