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24 July, 2024

Introducing the Global Refugee Forum Blog Series

Subject / Global refugee forum / Forced migration /
Blog series

As we mark six months since the second Global Refugee Forum (GRF), held in December 2023, InterAction and International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA) members are collaborating on a blog series to reflect on the GRF, highlight commitments, and strengthen transparency on progress since the first GRF in 2019. Over the next several months, the blog series will provide perspective on pledges and highlight where further action is needed.

The GRF 2023 took place in a global context of increased emergencies and a growing number of protracted forced displacement crises. Today, the number of forcibly displaced people in the world has reached an all-time high of 120 million, including internally displaced people. In the shadow of this growing need, the U.N. Refugee Agency (UNHCR) hosted the GRF 2023 to convene stakeholders from governments, civil society, local organisations, donors, and others to begin pledging on solutions.

Click on the below link to read more.

Terms and Conditions
22 July, 2024

Country-Based Pooled Funds Resource Facility Terms and Conditions

Subject / Country Based Pooled Funds /

National NGOs working in humanitarian contexts are key stakeholders in the OCHA Country-Based Pooled Funds (CBPFs) mechanisms. To ensure their voices are heard, interested donors, the Pooled Fund Working Group (PFWG), the CBPF NGO Dialogue Platform Advisory Group (PAG), and ICVA have together launched the CBPF Resource Facility. The Resource Facility supports NNGOs’ effective participation in CBPF country and global governance processes, through both supporting participant costs to attend meetings and providing mentorship to boost the impact of their voices.


Click on the below links to access the Terms and Conditions document in English, French, Spanish and Arabic.

22 July, 2024

Protected: United Nations Security Council Resolution on Protection of Aid Workers Recommendations

Vacancy notice
15 July, 2024

Vacancy notice: Forced Displacement Officer

Subject / Forced migration / ICVA Bulletin /

ICVA is seeking a Forced Displacement Officer to support the implementation and operationalisation of ICVA’s strategic objectives.  Providing support to ICVA’s members and to the Head of Unit, this role holder keeps abreast of the latest developments on the ground, in terms of laws, policies and practices related to forced displacement and migration, and provides key feedback in the development of policy objectives. The Officer works closely with members and will ensure coordination and engagement around common areas of concern.

Application Deadline: 5 August 2024

Please click the link below to view the complete job details.

Opinion pieces and blogs
10 July, 2024

Opinion Pieces and Blogs

Subject / Opinion pieces and blogs /
A call to Action (1)

Latest opinion pieces and blogs written by ICVA Secretariat.

Vacancy Notice
8 July, 2024

Vacancy notice: Chargé de Projet Localisation – ICVA Afrique de l’Ouest et Centrale (AOC)

Subject / Africa region /

Le/La Chargé de Projet Localisation est chargé de soutenir le renforcement du positionnement et de la stratégie d’ICVA WCA sur la localisation et de gérer les projets, les initiatives et les approches d’ICVA en lien avec la localisation dans la région. Ses responsabilités incluent le soutien au développement de la stratégie de localisation d’ICVA WCA, la réflexion, la mise en œuvre et le suivi de projets spécifiques de localisation, le soutien et l’orientation des membres nationaux d’ICVA et des forums d’ONG, ainsi que le soutien dans la gestion globale des initiatives et approches de localisation d’ICVA dans la région. En tant que Chargé de Projet Localisation, son rôle se concentre notamment sur les points suivants :

  • Soutenir le développement du positionnement, des partenariats et de la stratégie de localisation d’ICVA WCA ;
  • Assurer la gestion et le suivi des projets de localisation du bureau d’ICVA WCA ;
  • Apporter un support et un accompagnement aux membres nationaux et aux forums dans la région ;
  • Organiser, contribuer au développement et à la mise en œuvre d’initiatives spécifiques du bureau régional WCA sur la localisation.

La date limite de dépôt des candidatures est fixée au 26 juillet 2024.

Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous pour plus d’informations.

1 July, 2024

90th UNHCR Standing Committee

Subject / Forced migration / UNHCR standing committee /
Vacancy Notice
27 June, 2024

Consultancy – Risk-sharing in Humanitarian Funding Constructs

Subject / humanitarian financing /

The consultancy aims to research risk-sharing mechanisms, including due diligence revisions and indemnity letters, to scale best practices for funding partnerships.


The closing date for applications is 15 July 2024.

Click on the below link to access more information.

Vacancy Notice
27 June, 2024

Consultancy – Data Transparency

Subject / humanitarian financing /

Through this consultancy, ICVA seeks to support its members enhance data reporting and transparency from both international and national actors. It also aims to facilitate discussions on developing key aggregate indicators to track funding received and disbursed through humanitarian pooled fund mechanisms.

The closing date for applications is 15 July 2024.

Click on the below link to access more information.

Vacancy Notice
27 June, 2024

Consultancy – Updating Humanitarian Financing Materials

Subject / humanitarian financing /

ICVA is looking to hire a consultant to review, update, and complete the current information and guidance tools available to its members, on critical areas affecting their access to quality financing.


The closing date for applications is 20 July 2024.

Click on the below link to access more information.

Vacancy Notice
20 June, 2024

Consultancy – Interagency Community Outreach and Communication Fund on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

Subject / Safeguarding_PSEA /

Through this consultancy, ICVA aims to support the review and selection of eligible applications for the fifth round of the Interagency PSEA Community Outreach and Communication Fund. The consultant will evaluate proposals based on criteria outlined in the Call for Applications, which will be shared with them.

The closing date for applications is 05 July 2024.

Click on the below link to access more information.

14 June, 2024

Guidelines for Co-produced Research with Refugees and Other People with Lived Experience of Displacement

Subject / Forced migration /
Guidelines for Co-Produced Research with Refugees

The guidelines aim to offer clear principles and strategies for individuals and organisations looking to engage in, support, or learn about research that involves collaboration with refugees and individuals who have experienced displacement. They are meant for researchers with and without personal experience of displacement, as well as stakeholders like universities, governments, donors, ethics review committees, NGOs, intergovernmental organizations, and community groups involved in or impacted by such research.

Click on the below links to access the Guidelines document.

Concept Note
7 June, 2024

Concept Note – ICVA Annual MENA NGO Fora Workshop Exchange and Members Meeting

Subject / Coordination / Middle East and North Africa region /
MENA Meeting (1)

The Annual MENA NGO Fora Workshop Exchange and Members Meeting will take place from 9 – 11 September 2024. The theme is: Strengthening NGO Coordination: Insights for Humanitarian Collaboration in Challenging Environments.

Click on the below link to access the Concept Note.

Concept Note
6 June, 2024

Concept note for 2024 UNHCR Global Consultations with NGOs

Subject / Forced migration /

The 2024 UNHCR Global Consultations with Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) will take place in-person from 11 to 13 June at the Centre International de Conférence de Genève (CICG), Geneva, Switzerland.

Theme: Solutions, inclusion and gender equality.

Click the link below to access the Concept Note.

Conference Document
29 May, 2024

NGO recommendations for the Senior Officials Meeting on Sahel and Lake Chad Basin

Subject / humanitarian financing / Food insecurity / Africa region /
SahelandLCBmay 2024

NGO recommendations for the EU Senior Officials Meeting on “Scaling up the humanitarian response to the crises affecting countries of the Sahel and Lake Chad basin regions”, 28 May 2024, Belgium.

The Senior Officials Meeting aims to raise the attention of the international donor community on the humanitarian impact of the ongoing crises and their drivers affecting the populations in Sahel and Lake Chad countries, notably, Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon and Chad.

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