Indonesian Society for Disaster Management (MPBI), Indonesia
Indonesian Society for Disaster Management (MPBI) awareness raising project on PSEA included:
- communications materials (infographics, a comic and a video) in both English and Indonesian which were shared with more than 2,000 aid workers and volunteers through 78 WhatsApp groups and social media channels.
- two webinars with over 2,000 participants from more than 120 grass-root organisations across Indonesia and with a particular focus on those working on the 2022 Cianjur earthquake response.
- a training for PSEA Network focal points and held a workshop for representatives from government, NGOs and UN Agencies. The aim of the workshop was to foster dialogue on PSEA and to discuss how to strengthen PSEA policies and regulations.
- a PSEA risk assessment of affected communities in the region of the 2022 Cianjur earthquake
- Communications materials - Comic (Indonesian)
- Communications materials - Comic (English)
- Communications materials - Infographic 1 (English)
- Communications materials - Infographic 2 (English)
- Communications materials - Infographic 3 (English)
- Communications materials - Infographic 4 (English)
- Communications materials - Infographic 5 (English)
- Communications materials - Infographic 6 (English)
- Communications materials - Infographic 7 (English)
- Communications materials - Infographic 8 (English)
- Communications materials - Infographic 9 (English)
- Communications materials - Infographic 10 (English)
- Communications materials - Infographic 11 (English)
- Communications materials - Infographic 12 (English)
- Communications materials - Infographic 13 (English)
- Communications materials - Infographic 14 (English)
- Communications materials - Infographic 15 (English)
- Communications materials - Infographic 1 (Indonesian)
- Communications materials - Infographic 2 (Indonesian)
- Communications materials - Infographic 3 (Indonesian)
- Communications materials - Infographic 4 (Indonesian)
- Communications materials - Infographic 5 (Indonesian)
- Communications materials - Infographic 6 (Indonesian)
- Communications materials - Infographic 7 (Indonesian)
- Communications materials - Infographic 8 (Indonesian)
- Communications materials - Infographic 9 (Indonesian)
- Communications materials - Infographic 10 (Indonesian)
- Communications materials - Infographic 11 (Indonesian)
- Communications materials - Infographic 12 (Indonesian)
- Communications materials - Infographic 13 (Indonesian)
- Communications materials - Infographic 14 (Indonesian)
- Communications materials - Infographic 15 (Indonesian)
- Communications materials - Video script (Indonesian)
- Communications materials - Video (Indonesian)
- Communications materials - Video (English)
- Webinar - powerpoint KNPRBBK (Indonesian)
- Webinar - powerpoint PEPS (Indonesian)
- Webinar- powerpoint PEPS PRBBK (Indonesian)
- Webinar- powerpoint PSEAH Kebencanaan (Indonesian)
- Training & Workshop- Concept note (Indonesian)
- Training & Workshop - Concept note (English)
- Training & Workshop - Guiding questions (Indonesian)
- Training & Workshop - introduction to Indonesian PSEAH Netowkr (English)
- Training & Workshop - session planning (Indonesian)
- Training & Workshop- Report (Indonesian)
- Training PSEA Focal point - key conceptse (English)
- Needs assessment - Findings (English)
- Needs assessment- Cianjur presentation (Indonesian)
- Needs assessment- training in Cianjur (Indonesian)
- Needs assessment - Skenario Kasus (Indonesian)
- Training PSEA Focal point - Day 1 full presentation (English)
- Training PSEA Focal point - PSEA in humanitarian context (Indonesian)
- Training PSEA Focal point - IEC powerpoint (Indonesian)
- Training PSEA Focal point - day 2 full presentation (English)
- Training PSEA Focal point - TOR PSEAH network (English)
- Training PSEA Focal point - PSEA presentation (English)
- Training PSEA Focal point - Community engagement presentation (English)
- Training PSEA Focal point - community consultation roles (English)
- Training PSEA Focal point -UNODC staff PSEAH training powerpoint (English)
- Training PSEA Focal point - Womens forum in DRM (English)
- Training PSEA Focal point - Schedule (Indonesian)