PSEA Fund deliverables
19 December, 2021

Fundación Espacio Creativo, Panama

Subject / PSEA fund deliverable /
FEC image
Fundación Espacio Creativo developed targeted PSEA awareness-raising materials for migrant and refugee women and adolescents from Venezuela, Nicaragua and El Salvador as well as local populations, living in Panama city, San Miguelito and Arraiján. The NGO produced 5 dance video spots for children and youth, 5 radio spots, 5 series of social media postcards and 2 podcasts, focused on disseminating key PSEA messages.. Community consultation was strongly present through the organization of 7 focus group discussions with 35 women and adolescents where the content, language and style of messages were developed and validated in close collaboration.

Resources shared:

  • Dance videos in Spanish to raise awareness on PSEA and on available reporting channels, targeting refugee and migrant children, youth and host communities. Videos and script.
  • Radio spots in Spanish to raise awareness on PSEA and on available reporting channels, targeting refugee and migrant women, children, youth and host communities. Script in Spanish also available.
  • Two podcasts in Spanish to raise awareness on PSEA, audio recording and script
  • series of social media posts which provide information on what constitutes PSEA and where and how to report, targeting refugee and migrant women, children, youth and host communities.
  • Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) in Spanish with refugee and migrant women, children and adolescents, where the content, language and style of messages were developed and validated. The organization developed an analysis and reports on the FGDs.