Defence for Children International (DNI), Costa Rica

DNI developed and distributed materials on PSEA targeting refugee children and adolescents residing in Upala, Los Chiles and the Great Metropolitan Area of Costa Rica: a story book aimed at girls and boys aged 8-12, a comic aimed at adolescents aged 12-18 and a guide for local actors. Thestory book, which was validated through workshops organized with children, and distributed in both printed and digital versions, on what constitutes SEA and on existing referral pathways for children. The comic book was produced in coordination with adolescents during the course of 3 workshops. 200 copies of the comic were distributed in print, digital and audio versions. DNA also developed a guide for local actors from the host communities, focusing on how they can support the prevention and protection of SEA of children, communication about DNI’s PSEA focal points role and their role in the prevention of SEA. This guide was developed through 3 workshops with the local actors and distributed in both print and digital versions.
Resources shared include:
- Story book – Rita y la fiesta de cumpleaños – in spanish for refugee girls and boys aged 12-18, which contains information on what constitutes SEA and on existing referral pathways for children. The organization also developed an audio version of the comic for children with disabilities.
- Comic Book – Puros cuentos los de Daniel- for refugee adolescents aged 12-18, which contains information on SEA, prevention and reporting mechanisms. Print and audio versions.
- Guide for host community actors which contains information on how these actors can support the prevention and protection of SEA of children, information about DNI’s PSEA focal points role and their role in the prevention of SEA.
Story Book - Rita y la fiesta de cumpleaños - print version - PDF
Story Book - Rita y la fiesta de cumpleaños - digital version - PDF
Story Book - Rita y la fiesta de cumpleaños - audio version - MP3
Comic Book_DNI-PEASC_Puros cuentos los de Daniel_español_print verson - PDF
Comic Book_DNI-PEASC_Puros cuentos los de Daniel_español_editable- word document
Comic Book_DNI-PEASC_Puros cuentos los de Daniel_español- Audio version- MP3
Guide community actors - PDF
Guide community actors - editable - ZIP-indd