UNCHR Executive Committee meetings

NGO statements

Our work


ICVA coordinates the development of the joint NGO statements delivered at UNHCR’s Executive Committee and Standing Committee meetings.

ICVA also works with interested NGOs to organises NGO side events at these meetings.

Below is the updated Standing Committee and Executive Committee meetings process guidance note and NGO Statements delivered at the UNHCR Executive Committee meetings
Guidance Note
13 January 2025
Updated Standing Committee and Executive Committee Meetings Process Guidance Note
Subject/ Forced migration / UNHCR standing committee / UNHCR executive committee /
Guidance Note

This document is an updated and consolidated version of previous ICVA guidelines and drafting procedures for NGO statements and UNHCR committee meetings.


Click on the below link to access the document.

NGO statements
15 October 2021
72nd UNHCR Executive Committee
Subject/ Forced migration /
NGO statements
11 October 2019
70th UNHCR Executive Committee
Subject/ Forced migration /
NGO statements
5 October 2018
69th UNHCR Executive Committee
Subject/ Forced migration /
NGO statements
6 October 2017
68th UNHCR Executive Committee Meeting
Subject/ Forced migration /

UNHCR’s 68th Executive Committee, Geneva 2-6 October 2017

NGO statements
7 October 2016
67th UNHCR Executive Committee
Subject/ Forced migration /
NGO statements
9 October 2015
66th UNHCR Executive Committee Meeting
Subject/ Forced migration /

UNHCR’s 66th Executive Committee, Geneva, 5-9 October 2015

NGO statements
3 October 2014
65th UNHCR Executive Committee
Subject/ Forced migration /

UNHCR’s 65th Executive Committee  29 September to 3 October 2014.