ICVA Board Members

In accordance with the ICVA Statues, the Board is composed of 9 elected member agencies, plus two coopted members. The General Assembly elects nine (9) Board members, and from those elected members a Chair is selected.
- Africa Humanitarian Action: Mr Wossen Tesfaye
- Amel Association International: Ms Virginie Lefevre
- Amity Foundation: Ms Chunxiang Ling
- Christian Aid: Ms Jane Backhurst – Chair
- Concern Worldwide: Ms Réiseal Ní Chéilleachair – HR Focal Point
- Dignidad y Justicia en el Camino A.C. (FM4 Paso Libre): Mr Luis Enrique Gonzalez Araiza
- Islamic Relief Worldwide: Ms Shahin Ashraf – Vice-Chair and Treasurer
- Translators without Borders: Ms Aimee Ansari
- War Child: Mr Ramin Shahzamani