Policy Brief
25 October, 2022

Embracing Discomfort – A call to enable Finance for Climate-change Adaptation in Conflict Settings

Subject / Climate & environment / Financing /
Policy brief

The paper focuses on the political will needed for the international community to step out of its comfort zone when it comes to channelling climate finance for climate-change adaptation. Current mechanisms are characterised by low risk appetites, cumbersome technical and procedural requirements, inflexibility of scales, siloed structures that inhibit collaboration across conflict and climate expertise, and the inability to optimise the expertise and access of organisations across different sectors. It offers recommendations on how to address these challenges in concrete terms, with examples of good practice on which progress might build.

The paper is jointly issued by the International Committee for the Red Cross, ODI, the International Council of Voluntary Agencies, MercyCorps, Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre, World Food Programme and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.