ATAA Humanitarian Relief Association, Syria

The ATAA Humanitarian Relief Association developed PSEA messaging and awareness-raising materials based on community consultations conducted through 22 focus groups with 165 participants, of which 130 were women and girls. The findings were shared and discussed with the PSEA network, of which ATAA is a member. The organization also conducted 159 awareness-raising sessions on PSEA with more than 1,000 women and girls in the Idlib and Aleppo Governorates, and developed and printed 15,000 posters, banners and a video. Additionally, ATAA broadcast seven awareness-raising messages through a local radio station called “Orient” for one month.
Resources available below are:
- 3 posters/banners in Arabic which provide information on what constitutes PSEA, contain PSEA messages and inform about available reporting channels, targeting affected communities.
7 radio spots in Arabic which provide information on what constitutes PSEA and contain PSEA messages, targeting girls, boys, women, men and Persons with Disabilities.
an animated video in Arabic which provides information on what constitutes PSEA and informs about available reporting channels, targeting affected communities.
Poster 01 about PSEA - PDF
Poster 02 about PSEA - PDF
Poster 03 about PSEA - PDF