ICVA 2023 Annual Conference



Maison de la Paix






English, French, Arabic


humanitarian financing
Annual Conference
Grand Bargain

ICVA’s 2023 Annual Conference will be held on Friday 17 March at Maison de la Paix, Geneva.

The theme of the event will be, The right time and the right place: Improving access to humanitarian quality funding.

This conference is open to all that are interested.  Due to space limitations priority will be given to members of ICVA.

The event will be recorded in English with interpretation in Arabic and French.

ICVA’s Membership Day will be held on Thursday 16 March 2023, at the Ecumenical Centre, Geneva

This event is only open to ICVA members and invited guests.


Each year, ICVA holds an Annual Conference, which provides an important opportunity for members to connect and discuss issues relevant to the humanitarian sector, as informed by ICVA’s membership base.

On 17 March 2023,  ICVA will host its annual conference on the theme: The right time and the right place: Improving access to humanitarian quality funding. The day before, 16 March 2023, will be the ICVA Membership Day.


Main objectives of the conference include:

  • Increase awareness and establish common understanding of the key challenges in humanitarian finance, including the need to look for solutions across the system, not only in increasing funding
  • Examine the options for the future of the Grand Bargain and solidify NGO support for a preferred way forward
  • Discuss the state of the localization, with a particular focus on further joint efforts to ensure effective resources and support are accessible by local partners
  • Support peer exchange on NGO efforts to embed climate action and financing opportunities into humanitarian response.
23 February 2023
ICVA 2023 Annual Conference Programme and Recommended Reading
Subject/ Annual Conference / humanitarian financing / Financing /
Annual Conference Programme

ICVA’s 2023 Annual Conference will be held on Friday 17 March at Maison de la Paix, Geneva. The theme of the event will be, The right time and the right place: Improving access to humanitarian quality funding.

Opening Session

Setting the Scene

This panel discussion will frame the Annual Conference discussions to establish a common understanding of the humanitarian financing gap, the challenges of efficiently and adequately resourcing humanitarian action, and start exploring forward-looking solutions to anticipate trends that increasingly affect the humanitarian space (climate, pandemic response, and the rise of protracted crises), reduce needs, and improve access to quality funding as part of equitable partnerships.

ICVA Annual Conference 2023 - Opening Session 1 in English


  • H.E. Ambassador Jürg Lauber, Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the United Nations and to the other international organisations in Geneva, Switzerland  
  • Mr. Martin Griffith, Under Secretary-General of Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, OCHA  
  • Ms. Taïba Rahim, President, Nai Qala Association (NQA), Member of SC ACBAR
  • Ms. Sofia Sprechmann, Secretary General, CARE International
  • Mr. Ignacio Packer, Executive Director, ICVA


  • Ms. Stephanie Yousef, MENA Deputy Representative, ICVA

Session 1: The Future of the Grand Bargain 

Panel discussion focused on the ongoing dialogue on the future of the Grand Bargain and changes proposed for the process beyond June 2023. The mandate for the current Grand Bargain 2.0 will end in June 2023 and the different signatory constituencies are currently undertaking discussions on adjustments to the Grand Bargain focus, structure, and governance moving forward. A key element of these discussions is the potential to broaden the scope of the Grand Bargain to link the platform more closely with the goals of reducing the humanitarian funding gap and expanding resources for humanitarian action.


Participants will hear the perspective of the Eminent Person as well as key leaders from different Grand Bargain constituencies (donor, UN, NGOs) with the goal of understanding the current state of dialogue on the Grand Bargain and the different perspectives on the future.

A Q&A session will allow participants to engage directly with the panel members.

Key questions:

  • How can we make the most effective use of the unique platform offered by the Grand Bargain to improve humanitarian finance?
  • What is needed from NGOs to support the effective implementation of Grand Bargain commitments?
  • How can we collectively overcome reporting challenges in tracking system-wide progress?
ICVA Annual Conference 2023 - Session 1 in English


  • Mr. Jan Egeland, Grand Bargain Eminent Person (pre-recorded keynote address) 
  • Ms. Kelly Clements, Deputy High Commissioner, UNHCR  
  • Mr. Predrag Avramović, Head of Section for Humanitarian and Migration Affairs, Minister-Counsellor (Humanitarian Affairs), EU Delegation to the UN and other IOs in Geneva 
  • Ms. Marta Valdés García, Humanitarian Director, Oxfam International
  • Mr. Jameel Abdo, Executive Director, Tamdeen Youth Foundation/Yemen


Jeremy Rempel
Head of Humanitarian Financing, ICVA

Session 2: Climate Finance and Humanitarian Action

Panel discussion on “Gaps in Climate Financing and implications for humanitarian action.” The session will examine what climate financing is, what is the gap in climate financing in humanitarian contexts and the resulting implications for humanitarian action in such contexts?


Improve the understanding of humanitarian actors/NGOs on what climate financing is, what it means in humanitarian contexts, including implications for humanitarian action.

The session will examine some key questions:

  • What is Climate Finance?
  • What is the gap in climate financing in humanitarian contexts?
  • What are the implications for humanitarian action in such contexts?
  • What is the role of humanitarian actors, especially NGOs working in conflict and fragile contexts?
ICVA Annual Conference 2023 - Session 2 in English


  • Mr. Azmat Khan, CEO, Foundation for Rural Development, Pakistan 
  • Dr. Catherine-Lune Grayson, Head of Policy Team – Policy and Humanitarian Diplomacy Division, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) 
  • Dr. Charlene Watson, Senior Research Associate – Climate and Sustainability Team, ODI – Climate Financing 101 
  • Mr. Isaiah Toroitich, Head of Global Advocacy, Action for Justice Unit – The Lutheran World Federation – Gap in Policy Coherence and Loss and Damage  
  • Mrs. Sylvie Wabbes, Agronomist and Resilience Advisor, Emergency and Resilience Office, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)


  • Ms. Nishanie Jayamaha, Learning and Climate Change Programme Coordinator, ICVA

Session 3: Partnerships

This session will explore the modalities of meaningful and equitable partnerships, the simplification and harmonisation of donor conditions, and the role and responsibilities of intermediaries in addition to that of donors. The panel presentation and following discussion will examine how the NGO community can influence donors and intermediaries to fund humanitarian responses in ways that reduce burdens on the system and joint efforts to ensure resources and support are accessible and effectively reach frontline responders as directly as possible.


Discuss current partnership challenges and opportunities, with a particular focus on further joint efforts to ensure effective resources and support are accessible by local partners.

Key questions:

  • How can we work better in partnership to address the current challenges in humanitarian financing
  • How can we influence donors and intermediaries to increase efficiency within the humanitarian system and improve access to multiyear unearmarked flexible funding?
  • What is needed to ensure transparent reporting on the use of funds and on cascading flexibility and simplification downstream to partners
ICVA Annual Conference 2023 - Session 3 in English


  • Mr. Matt Nims, Deputy Assistant Administrator, Bureau of Humanitarian Affairs, USAID (online)
  • Mr. Misikir Tilahun, Executive Director, African Humanitarian Action
  • Ms. Hazel de Wet, Deputy Director, Office of Emergency Programs (EMOPs), UNICEF
  • Ms. Sarah Fuhrman, Director of Humanitarian Policy, InterAction


  • Ms. Mirela Shuteriqi, Director of Policy, ICVA

Closing Session

In this closing session, Mr. Ignacio Packer will provide an overview of key learnings and outcomes from the Annual Conference discussions and collective messages to bring to the upcoming European Humanitarian Forum and Grand Bargain Annual Meeting.

ICVA Annual Conference 2023 - Closing Session in English


  • Mr. Ignacio Packer, Executive Director, ICVA

Annual Conference Concept Note and Programme

Meeting Material
4 November 2022
ICVA 2023 Annual Conference Concept Note
Subject/ Annual Conference / Financing / humanitarian financing /
23 February 2023
ICVA 2023 Annual Conference Programme and Recommended Reading
Subject/ Annual Conference / humanitarian financing / Financing /
Annual Conference Programme

ICVA’s 2023 Annual Conference will be held on Friday 17 March at Maison de la Paix, Geneva. The theme of the event will be, The right time and the right place: Improving access to humanitarian quality funding.

Past conferences

Annual Conferences
20 September 2022
ICVA Annual Conferences
Subject/ Annual Conference /
ICVA Past Annual Conferences

Information about past ICVA annual conferences.